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Tri-County Bicycle Association Promoting Safe Social Cycling Since 1972
Tri-County Bicycle Association
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Promoting Safe Social Cycling Since 1972
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Torch Lake for Hone page

Helmets are required on all TCBA rides/tours


TCBA Advocacy

Working to Make Mid-Michigan a Better Place to Bicycle

Contact the Advocacy Committee via email at:
Click on each of the headings below to expand each section

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The TCBA Advocacy Committee is Changing Its Tempo.

The Tri-County Bicycle Association formed the Advocacy Committee on March 6, 2012 with the following mission statement:

  • Develop a safer bicycling environment
  • Promote public awareness of bicycle safety issues and concerns
  • Promote bicycle commuting and touring
  • Educate governments, organizations and companies on strategies to encourage safe bicycle travel
  • Work with other organizations to carry out this mission and activities relating to non-motorized transportation
For more information, e-mail


We have monthly meetings in the evening. Our current schedule is on the second Wednesday of the month (2025: January 15, February 12, March 12, April 9, May 14, June 11, July 16, Aug. 13, Sept. 10, Oct. 8, Nov. 12, & Dec. 10)  at the League of Michigan Bicyclists, 410 S. Cedar St. Suite A, Lansing, MI (across /South Cedar Street from Wendy's) from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.

Join Us

We need people who want our governments, businesses and other organizations to provide bicycling facilities in our communities.  On the governmental level, we face a big challenge with 75 jurisdictions in the Tri-County region plus the Michigan Department of Transportation and the Tri-County Regional Planning Commission. Thus, we have to have bicyclists interact with all levels of government and to report back.

Here’s how you can hook up with us at our:

Everyone is welcome to participate at our meetings which take place on the second Wednesday of each month (2025: January 15, February 12, March 12, April 9, May 14, June 11, July 16, Aug. 13, Sept. 10, Oct. 8, Nov. 12, & Dec. 10)  at the League of Michigan Bicyclists, 410 S. Cedar St. Suite A, Lansing, MI (across /South Cedar Street from Wendy's) from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. 

Agenda for next meeting in 2022:  December

Minutes 2022November  Archive

Annual Reports: 2012  2013  2014-2015  2016  2017  2018

Coming Events
Coming Events


2025 Ride of Silence for Lansing/MSU/East Lansing

This year's Ride of Silence takes place on May 21, 2025, at the plaza east of Well's Hall on the MSU Campus, with event staging starting at 5:15 p.m.  The ride rolls off at 6:30 pm sharp.  

We need volunteers. See what you'd like to help with: RoS Volunteers' Tasks   

Please join us in bringing awareness of making our streets and roads safe all.

If you have questions or are willing to volunteer to help in some way with the event, please contact Pat Harrington, the lead organizer at:
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Bike Rack Assistance
Bike Rack Assistance

The Tri-County Bicycle Association encourages businesses and other organizations to provide bicycle racks.We will help with costs according to the following format:

  • Businesses –50% of the cost of rack(s) or 50% of the rack installation if the business or other entity provides the rack(s)
  • Non-profits and governments: up to100% of the cost of the racks and installation costs

Recipients must agree to:

  • Use an Inverted “U” rack with crosspiece (see below). Other designs must be approved by TCBA
  • Provide installation costs (Businesses only) , or 50% of the installation cost if the business or other organization is providing the rack(s)
  • Obtain authorization from the property owner (if different from the business or organization)
  • Work with TCBA  on the optimal placement of the racks
  • Maintain the racks
  • Agree to the placement of the TCBA logo & name as well as a sign demonstrating correct use of the rack
  • Carry appropriate liability insurance
  • Provide the business or other organization’s Employer Identification Number (EIN)

A good primer on bike biking is the Essentials of Bike Parking by the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals.

For more information, contact:
Dale Freeman;

Preferred Rack Design

Inverted U-Rack

Adopted by the TCBA Board on May 7, 2013,SOURCE: Chainwheel Chatter  v. 39, no. 7 (July 2013) p. 2

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Automated and Connected Vehicles Resources  (Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center) -- These resources "..may help integrate pedestrian and bicycle considerations into plans, policies, research, and related initiatives" concerning automated and connected vehicles.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Funding Opportunities: Federal Transit, and Federal Highway Funds (U.S. Department of Transportation)
Bicycle & Pedestrian Terminology (City of Lawrence, Kansas)
Bike Law Michigan -- "The Sinas Dramis Law Firm is deeply committed to the safety and rights of cyclists and is a proud member of Bike Law, a national network of bicycle attorneys who advocate on behalf of all cyclists." the site contains a variety of resources including laws affecting bicyclists and a " What to do After a Bike Accident" section.
 BIKESAFE - Bicycle Safety Guide and Countermeasure Selection System (U.S. Federal Highway Administration) --  provides "practitioners with the latest information available for improving the safety and mobility of those who bike. The online tools provide the user with a list of possible engineering, education, or enforcement treatments to improve bicycle safety and/or mobility based on user input about a specific location."

Federal Highway Administration's Bicycle and Pedestrian Program's Key Resources
Ingham County Trails and Parks Millage -- provides information about the various aspects of the development of a county-wide regional trails and parks system.
Michigan Complete Streets Coalition -- works to promote statewide Complete Streets policies. Complete Streets policies ensure that engineers and planners design roadways to accommodate all users, not just motorists. A complete street allows pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users and those with disabilities to easily and safely use roads in their communities.
Michigan Traffic Crash Facts -- "provides users with annual official Michigan crash data. There are two sections to the website: the Publications section that contains crash data statistics dating back to 1992; and the Data Query Tool, which allows users to perform advanced searches on the data over specific elements. The MTCF Data Query Tool allows users to build unique queries using Michigan crash data and see the results in the form of maps, tables, lists, bar and pie charts, on a timeline, or by downloading the actual police reports."
National Complete Streets Coalition -- "...promotes the development and implementation of policies and professional practices that ensure streets are safe for people of all ages and abilities, balance the needs of different modes, and support local land uses, economies, cultures, and natural environments.

Regional Road Construction Interactive Map (Tri-County Regional Planning Commission) --  provides up-to-date construction information for Ingham, Eaton, and Clinton counties. "The powerful, web-based map features interactive map markers and descriptions for 2016 and 2017 regional road projects. It also gives the option to filter by projects within the City of Lansing. The public can use this tool to view the type of work being done, the street location, and start and end dates of road construction projects."
Road Terms and Definitions (Michigan Department of Transportation)

Small Town and Rural Multimodal Networks -- "This document is intended to be a resource for transportation practitioners in small towns and rural communities. It applies existing national design guidelines in a rural setting and highlights small town and rural case studies."
"Statewide NFC Review Emphasis Area 2 County PDF Maps" (Michigan Department of Transportation) --   Despite its jargon-rich title, this page is a good resource: it lists by county which roads are eligible for Federal road money and which ones are not.

Traffic Calming ePrimer -- "...a thorough review of current traffic calming practice and contains the information needed to understand this complex field. The ePrimer is presented in eight distinct modules developed to allow the reader to move between each to find the desired information, without a cover-to-cover reading."

University Region Non-Motorized Master Plan -- In 2015 the Michigan Department of Transportation released a plan for its University Region. The goals of the Plan were to:     identify opportunities to enhance non-motorized transportation; prioritize non-motorized investment in the region; and provide a vision for a non-motorized network to guide public and private initiatives. This site contains the plan as well as detailed maps for the entire region and its counties.

Urban Bikeway Design Guide  (National Association of City Transportation Officials) -- provides "cities with state-of-the-practice solutions that can help create complete streets that are safe and enjoyable for bicyclists."
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Advocacy Links
Advocacy Links
Alliance for Biking & Walking — “North America’s coalition of local and state bicycle and pedestrian advocacy organizations. We create, strengthen and unite advocacy leaders who are transforming their communities into great places to bike and walk.”
Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals -- — Its mission is to “grow the pedestrian and bicycle profession and its influence by facilitating the exchange of professional and technical knowledge, elevating practitioners’ skills and defining the field.”
League of American Bicyclists -- “…represents bicyclists in the movement to create safer roads, stronger communities, and a bicycle- friendly America. Through information, advocacy and promotion, we work to celebrate and preserve the freedom cycling brings to our members everywhere.”
League of Michigan Bicyclists -- works “to improve conditions for bicycling in Michigan. LMB supports many programs and projects and cooperates with state and local agencies and other like-minded groups toward this goal.”
Michigan Complete Streets Coalition -- connects “grassroots Complete Streets movements across the state. Today, the Coalition represents over 100 organizations, businesses and individuals.”
Michigan Regional Pedestrian & Bicycle Committee Forum -- A series of regional meetings sponsored by the Michigan Department of Transportation that brings together “pedestrian & bicycle advocates and transportation leaders to work toward improving the safety of the streets within our communities….These meetings are a venue to identify issues and become more knowledgeable of each other’s planning, design, engineering and funding processes in order to enhance pedestrian and bicycle safety and mobility for improved quality of life in our communities.”
Michigan Trails and Greenways -- “a non-profit organization that shall foster and facilitate the creation of an interconnected statewide system of trails and greenways for recreation, health, transportation, economic development and environmental/cultural preservation purposes.”
PeopleForBikes -- “…includes both an industry coalition of bicycling suppliers and retailers, as well as a charitable foundation…Our goal is to make every bike ride better, whether that ride takes you on trails, down to the grocery store, or all the way across town. Why? Because when people ride bikes, great things happen for our bodies and our minds, and our communities and our nation”.­­

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