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C ride Riverview Church 10:00 AM 26-36 miles
Riverview church is one block west of College Rd. Park in the North East corner of the
parking lot
3585 E. Willoughby
Holt, MI
517 881-9362
Event Contact(s)
Mary Burris
(517) 394-1617 (p)
Class C Ride 12 to 14 mph
Registration Info
Registration is not Required
About this event
C ride from Riverwiew Church, Holt 26-36 Miles. No Ride if rain. Food Stop. Ride could be 24- 26 miles to food stop if the forecast is good.
If the forecast is early afternoon rain, route and distance will change and there will not be a food stop. Ride leader Mary Burris 517-881-9362
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